An Easy and Affordable Gift Wrapping Guide - for Perfect Presentation

There isn’t much I love more than wrapping a gift beautifully. I believe that the presentation is part of the gift giving experience. I also believe that most budgets are tight especially around the holiday season. I know that personally I would rather spend my money on the gift than on the wrapping. So I thought I would share a couple easy and gorgeous ways to wrap your gifts this season without breaking the bank. In fact these gift wrapping ideas cost me less than $20.

First up: Dried citrus pieces.

This can be used as a detail on the gift itself or you could create a holiday garland with the pieces. Another idea I have seen is to use the dried citrus as garnish in holiday drinks! YUM.

This is the first year I’ve made these and cannot believe how simple it is. Plus I’m obsessed with how the pieces turned out. The colors! The textures! Oh my! Here’s my recipe:

Dried citrus pieces (1).png

Next up: Recycled Grocery Bag Wrapping Paper

I currently have such a plethora of paper grocery bags - since COVID started we haven’t been able to bring our own bags to the grocery store and my supply of paper bags has just grown and grown. I finally figured out what I can do with them all! Wrapping paper! YAY. But plain old brown paper is nothing fancy so I thought I would show you how to create a potato stamp to embellish the paper with your own designs. Here’s my how to:

homemade wrapping paper (2).png
homemade wrapping paper (3).png

And the finishing touch: Recycle an old book or use newspaper

I found an old dictionary at a yard sale and decided it would make the perfect detail for my holiday wrapping extravaganza - now I’m not saying tear up old books - on the contrary - but this old book was already showing signs of wear and tear, with a torn spine and missing pages, so using it as wrapping paper felt like giving it a new life. If you can’t find a worn out old book, the newspaper works just as well (spray with hair spray to prevent the dye from going every where!)


Now let’s put it all together:

Hint - don’t even bother trying to wrap a odd shape beautifully - rather find a box you can reuse and place the odd shaped item inside. You can use tissue, crinkle paper or scrunched up paper grocery bags to secure the item. Tape the box closed and viola - you have a much easier shape to wrap (plus guessing will be harder). Let’s get wrapping:

Put it all together (1).png

I hope you enjoyed this little DIY guide to affordable and adorable holiday gift wrap! Tag me on Instagram (@samanthaslaterstudio) if you tried any of these ideas - I’d love to see!
