Getting Started Soldering - Flux Part 2


Hello and happy Monday,

Let’s dive deep into flux today and talk about Handy Flux. This is the flux I use for working with sterling silver. It is a white paste flux and comes in variety of sizes and is relatively inexpensive. Handy Flux is used for torch soldering. It works well with sterling silver, fine silver, copper, brass and bronze, and can be used with extra easy, easy, medium and hard solder for low-temperature brazing. Handy Flux is a very durable and powerful general purpose flux that protects your metal up to 1600°F (870°C).  It is an active fluoride-type flux which is appropriate for all nonferrous metals and begins to melt and dissolve oxides at 600°F (320°C). (Be sure to have good ventilation when using this flux as you don’t want to inhale what burns off when soldering)

I usually purchase a large tub of flux and then transfer a spoonful to a smaller container which I use when I solder. I do this to keep the main source of flux clean.

When I mix water into my flux to reconstitute it (it will dry out over time) I add enough water to get the flux to a smooth Greek yogurt type consistency. See below:

mixedflux.jpg has a great video on this product too!

Please review the SDS for Handy Flux for a full list of chemicals and important information on safely and effectively using, storing and disposing of this compound.

Let me know what you think in the comments or if you have a favourite flux - I’d love to know about it.

You can also read my other blogs here.


Tips and Tricks - Cleaning


Getting Started Soldering - Flux